April - June 2019 Newsletter
Player’s Corner Dan Pendola, Head Golf Professional
T h e topic I would like to d i s c u s s in this edition of the Player’s Corner is: How do I stop a bad
know my best three wood shot will carry 230 yards, but if it isn’t my best, I am looking possibly making a double bogey. I try to reason with my ego and remind myself of how I became a Pro in the first place. It wasn’t distance, it was my skills with wedges and short game. I know that I have a better chance knockingmy wedge shot in the hole then I do hit my 3 wood over the water. So instead of forcing the 3wood, I lay up to a comfortable yardage for my lob wedge, knock it close and take my par or bogey at worst. I know there will be other holes that I can attack, but forcing the issue on a couple difficult holes could really ruin my round. I am always doing what I can to hit the ball farther when I practice but when my score is on the line, I know to play to my strengths. You see tour players shooting sub 60 rounds and they all say the same thing, “I had great yardages today and putted well. When I was in trouble I was able to recover”. Even tour players have yardages that are very comfortable to them and some that aren’t. The point here is, if you love your pitching wedge, give yourself more opportunities to hit it! My recommendation is to make your wedges and short game a strength so that you can get the ball near the green and save your score. Remember to spend at least 75% of your practice
time on your short game because you may not be able to hit the ball 300 yards down the fairway but you can always learn how to chip and putt well.
run of scoring? If you are having a rough stretch of scoring during a round, I want you to focus on two things: Don’t force anything and play to your strengths. We all have a favorite club or yardage to play from. Instead of forcing yourself to hit that uncomfortable shot with the 3 wood, hit the club that you are most comfortable with, that will get you down the fairway. A shot struck well with a 7 wood will almost always go as far or farther than a poorly hit three wood. Remember to always work on your weaknesses on the practice tee but during your round you can’t afford to throw away shots. I have found myself in situations during a tournament where my ego can get in the way. Playing a long par four that I wish was a par 5, “You’re a Pro, you can do this”, I tell myself as I have 230 yards to carry the water. I
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