April - June 2019 Newsletter
Safety is Our Top Priority in Your Community Scott DeAtley - POA Community Operations Manager
T he following are topics/ issues that have been brought to my attention by you the membership, as well as the Board of Directors. I hope by identifying some of our more common complaints we can all work together as a community in promoting safety and security within our beautiful community here at Boca Grove. Golf Cart Safety • Operators must possess a valid driver’s license. • Operators must obey all motor vehicle traffic rules and regulations. • Always keep hands, arms, feet and legs inside the golf cart while in motion. • Always obey all traffic rules and regulations. • Never overload the golf cart with people, equipment and other objects. • Never operate the golf cart with more passengers than it is designated to hold. • Never leave the keys in the golf cart when unattended. Stop Signs Help us make Boca Grove safer! Did you know that we have approximately 125 children in our community? A stop sign means that you must bring your vehicle to a complete stop at the sign or stop “bar.” Always come to a full stop. Alarms Your first line of defense when used, alarm systems are one of the most effective ways to deter a burglary at your home. Always set your alarm. Parking No parking is permitted on our sidewalks. Avoid a parking violation and never park across a sidewalk. Always be observant for pedestrians and especially children on the sidewalk
when entering or exiting a driveway. Always yield to pedestrians. Speeding Residential speeding is a common problem. You can eliminate it. When residents are surveyed, speeding is commonly at or near the top of the list of complaints. Stop signs and speed limit signs alone are not “traffic calming,” as they require enforcement. As mentioned above, we have several children, elderly, bicyclists, walkers, joggers, etc. All of us have seen the signs that read, “Drive Slowly My Daddy Works Here!” or “Drive Like Your Children Live Here!” It is our heartfelt mission to educate our community and ask that you “self- govern” yourselves and avoid the possibility of receiving a fine from the POA or a tragedy. Traffic calming is an approach to reducing vehicle speeds and vehicle volume on our streets. Neighborhood safety campaigns are the least coercive means of trying to gain compliance with neighborhood speed limits. There is little empirical evidence to support that compliance is gained beyond a short period of time. Neighborhood traffic safety starts with you! How can you make your neighborhood streets safer? • Drive Slower - Realize that speeding through a residential neighborhood will make very little if any difference in the total time it will take to complete your trip. In addition, driving at slower speeds allows more time to react to the unexpected, such as a child darting out from behind a parked car. Remember that the speed on our streets is 25 mph, except for Boca Grove Boulevard, which is 30 mph. Make a conscious effort to drive 25 mph or slower on all our streets. Remind family members and neighbors of the speed limit. • Avoid Using Local Streets as Short Cuts (Mandarin Drive) – The more we use residential streets as short cuts, the more we disrupt the quality of life in the neighborhood. Neighborhood cut-through traffic
increases noise and pollution in residential areas and results in a greater threat to the safety of our children. • Observe All Rules of the Road - Most accidents occur close to home. • Change Your Driving Behavior – Learn to adopt a different attitude! You should always expect the unexpected on residential streets. It may not be your fault if you have an accident but imagine the pain you will live with if you hit a child or a neighbor! Even modestly higher speeds can mean the difference between life and death for a pedestrian hit by a vehicle • Crashes and injuries are more sever at higher speeds. Walkers Please make an effort to utilize our sidewalks as opposed to walking in the street, especially at night. Lastly, as the end of season draws to a close, please remember that our security team is here to serve you. If you are seasonal and/or plan to be gone for the summer, notify us of the date of your departure and request that we perform a “Closed House Check.” We will attempt to check your home daily, and should we find any irregularities, we will notify you immediately, and determine the next course of action you wish for us to take.
Be Safe!
Mission To deliver a boutique lifestyle set in an oasis of uncompromising beauty with facilities and activities that encourage healthy mind, body experiences, a strong sense of community and lasting friendships.
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