Grove Life | Winter 2021
HUGHEY the honeybell
Hello, my name is Hughey the Honeybell
and I would like to thank you for doing your part to keep our
neighborhood beautiful. Sometimes we become so enamored by the scenery that we forget the community rules and need a little nudge to get back on track. In those times, I will be here to remind you by sending a postcard letting you know that something doesn’t seem quite right. The postcard is a friendly warning and will be followed by a fine and then suspension as per the POA rules, if taken lightly. And remember, my friend, Gaby Joy is here to help if you have a question on any of the rules.
“Imagining something may be the first step in making it happen, but it is takes real time and real efforts of real people to learns things, make things, turn thoughts into deeds or visions into inventions.” ~ Mister Rogers
Mission To deliver a boutique lifestyle set in an oasis of uncompromising beauty with facilities and activities that encourage healthy mind, body experiences, a strong sense of community and lasting friendships.
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