October - December 2019 Newsletter
I n the “old days,” philanthropy just meant writing checks to your favorite charitable organizations. These days, philanthropy is not only an interactive way of helping communities, but it also helps build brands and fosters friendships. Those friendships create good neighbors, building strong neighborhoods. The more exposure our Boca Grove Cares brand gets in a philanthropic setting, the more potential new homeowners associate our community with what is right in our county, our state and our world. It cultivates trust, instills a sense of pride and incites others to be a part of the good we are doing. According to both Forbes and Entrepreneur, the top charitable causes Americans care most about include youth and families, animals, the military, medical re- search and education. Philanthropy can be volunteering and in-kind donations as well as actual dollars - this is a situation where size truly does not matter – it’s about name recognition and community outreach.
Here are some things your fellow members and staff are involved in this coming quarter: October 24 – Pink Challah Bake, benefitting Sharsheret in support of Breast and Ovarian Cancers. Chef Dominick and Pastry Chef Dave will host an interactive challah braid- ing class at 10:30. November 8 – Habitat for Humanity Veterans Build -ben- efitting Veterans Living in the New Pines. Our team of 25 will work alongside a veteran homeowner to transform their home as part of a neighborhood revitalization. November 24 – Thanksgiving Family Fun– benefit- ting Best Foot Forward and Place of Hope. During our Thanksgiving Family Fun Night at 4:30, we will decorate greeting cards, bake pies and bring a smile to children in our community. November 25 – Pie It Forward – benefitting Meals on Wheels. Sign up to be a Pie Master when we bake and donate Thanksgiving pies. Ovens heat up at 10:00 am November 28 - Turkey Trot Freedom Frog 5K – benefiting the Navy SEALs Fund. Add a little extra motivation to your Turkey Trot and help the United States Navy SEAL commu- nity. Race/walk starts at 8:00 am December 14 – Kevin Anderson’s Bubbles &Doubles Charity Event – benefitting Dezzy’s Second Chance Animal Rescue and First Serve USA. Tennis superstars hit the courts at 4:00 pm. Please help us keep our spirit of giving and the sharing of our time, talents and treasures growing. Submit your fa- vorite non-profits and causes to us for inclusion on our website, social media and newsletters. Remember, no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted!
Vision Inspire and enable members to enjoy every day of their lives.
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